ChiroLogic, Inc. was formed to provide the chiropractic profession with various tools to improve communication with patients, the public and other health care professionals. Based on cutting edge science, the products offered are designed to concisely convey information about the chiropractic profession to:
Did You Know?
The Loda-Garman Vertebral Subluxation Flow Charts feature cutting-edge research as presented by Lisa Bloom, DC, DACS, DIBCN in her internationally acclaimed seminars. Each order includes:
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Jessica E. Loda, DC, LMT, President
Dr. Jessica Loda, DC, LMT, President and co-founder of ChiroLogic, Inc., holds a B.S. in Diagnostic Genetic Sciences from the University of Connecticut and is a Certified Laboratory Specialist in Cytogenetics. She has worked extensively as a medical cytogenetic technologist and as a cytogenetic consultant at New England Medical Center and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston. Dr. Loda is also a licensed massage therapist and a certified Applied Kinesiologist. Dr. Loda graduated in 2003 with Phi Chi Omega honors from New York Chiropractic College. She is currently in private practice in Ithaca, NY and is a former adjunct faculty member in the Clinical Sciences Department at New York Chiropractic College. ( |
Diane L. Garman, RN, DC, CEO
Dr. Diane L. Garman, RN, DC, CEO and co-founder of ChiroLogic, Inc., holds a B.S. in nursing from the University of Rochester and a B.A. in psychology from the State University of New York at Geneseo. She is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing and has extensive experience in medical and community health nursing. Dr. Garman graduated in 2003 with Phi Chi Omega honors from New York Chiropractic College and is a former adjunct faculty member in the Clinical Sciences Department at New York Chiropractic College. Dr. Garman is a certified Applied Kinesiologist and is currently in private practice in Fairport, NY. ( |
Lisa K. Bloom, D.C., D.A.C.S., D.I.B.C.N.
Dr. Lisa Bloom, guest lecturer, holds a Diplomate from the International Board of Chiropractic Neurology and a Diplomate in Applied Chiropractic Sciences. She is also certified in Applied Kinesiology. Dr. Bloom is a popular lecturer and has been the featured speaker at conferences in over 30 states in the U.S. as well as an invited speaker to many chiropractic colleges both nationally and internationally. Dr. Bloom has lectured on topics in neurology relevant to chiropractic in the U.K., Canada and The Netherlands. A multiple winner of the Faculty Excellence and Pride in Chiropractic Awards, Dr. Bloom served on the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Test Committee from 1999-2007. An examiner and lecturer for the International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology, Dr. Bloom currently serves as a Board Member of the International Academy of Neurology. Dr. Bloom is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Sciences Department at New York Chiropractic College. |
Dr. Eugene Charles
“If you want to ensure that you fully understand how powerful the proper correction of vertebral subluxations are and that you are intelligently conveying this to your patients and colleagues, then I highly recommend investing in these charts and CD. I found them to be very helpful in ensuring that I wasn’t communicating space age material like a dinosaur.” Eugene Charles, DC, DIBAK |
Dr. Luis Vera
“An excellent learning tool which simplifies the complicated neurology behind the vertebral subluxation. I used the charts at major universities to introduce the chiropractic profession to pre-medical audiences. Highly recommended! Luis Vera, DC |
Dr. Bill Austin
“I want to thank you for developing the Vertebral Subluxation Flow Chart. Every chiropractor needs to have one in their office and review it every day. It explains why we do what we do. The potential harm that subluxations have to healthy growth and development is devastating. We too often forget. Reviewing your chart daily has helped me re-dedicate my commitment to detect and eliminate subluxations that are robbing my patients of the optimal well-being.” William Austin, DC, CCSP, CCRD |